Safe for Life

I have a company where I have to deliver letters to individuals. I got a late start that day, was attempting to talk myself into going "tomorrow" but I continued on my way to, "Get it over with".

Little did I know that I went into the animal control building through the wrong entrance, the guard allowed me to go in and even told me which door to use. I walked in and quickly realized that I was in the wrong area, walked back outside, went back to the original door I was at. The employees were talking about a puppy needing to be fostered. I was standing in the background when the manager looked at me and asked if I could foster her for the weekend. My immediate answer was that my husband wouldn't allow it, I called him anyway and asked, he said yes.

I take her home, give her a bath and introduced her to our dog. She is sweet, loving puppy. She is smart, only has to be told no a couple times for her to learn, no accidents inside for 3 days.

Monday morning my wonderful husband informs me that we can keep her baring any major medical issues. I called the shelter, told them that we fell in love and want to adopt her and asked if she was free to adopt. That is when I was informed that the reason she needed to be fostered was because she was scheduled that Friday to be euthanized, but was pulled from the line to give her one more chance.

If I had gone in the correct entrance, or earlier in the day we wouldn't have our Blu and I am not sure where she would be. She is a perfect match for our family.


Kelli owens
Pearland, TX