Sally and Boomer

In March 2008, my wife and I, were eating breakfast at our favorite restaurant when the server called me to the front and pointed to a picture of 2 Border Collies that were needing a home. It was Sally (the mother dog) and Boomer her 2 year old male puppy. Their story was quite sad. Their 50 year old owner had died of a heart attack in December 2007. The dogs had been living in a pen - in the backyard of the former homeowner's house. The owners children did not want the house or dogs. I thought about it for about 15 minutes and then told her yes; I would adopt the dogs. I went to the house and it had been foreclosed on. A large pine tree was laying across the roof and one had almost hit the dog pen. The dogs were living in intolerable conditions and if it had not been for one of the restaurant's former servers they would have starved to death. Additionally, Sally had 2 more nursing puppies which were adopted by another lady the same day I took Sally and Boomer. Please keep in mind that at the time, I already had 3 rescued dogs and 2 cats. Now I have five dogs and an one cat (our 19 year old cat recently passed). We love Sally and Boomer they are great loving dogs. I am a supporter of our local Humane Society. My entire family loves animals, based upon my age I have set-up a TRUST for the animals in case they outlive me or my wife. In closing, animals give you unconditional love and much happiness. All animals are heroes to us.

Joseph and Linda Litton
Alpharetta, GA