
I adopted Salty, who I have nicknamed "Miss Saltine," from my local Humane Society in October 2007. She was ten years old at the time and had been at the shelter for over a year. I took one look at her and knew I needed to give her a home. At first she was very shy and quiet. Today she is quite vocal and pretty much rules the household!

When my husband and I arrive home from work each day, Salty greets us, rolls on her back, and runs to her scratching post. After she gets her treat, Salty goes right to her "play station," which consists of two large paper bags, a few sheets of tissue paper, and her favorite toys. She is never happier than when playing and has invented remarkable ways to keep our play time interesting.

Salty also brings me a "mousey" every day, delivered to my bedroom, as her gift to me. I look forward to receiving that toy mouse and once again hiding it somewhere in the house for her to find the next day. It is our little game.

My husband, who was originally not too enthusiastic about adopting a cat, is now very fond of Salty. Some nights he even gives up his recliner for her, which seems to be her favorite spot to relax in the evening.

Salty is my first pet and, having no children, she is truly my "fur child." The assumption that cats are not affectionate is definitely incorrect! When Salty curls up next to me in the evening and purrs, it makes my day complete.

Susan Corriher
Charlotte, NC