Sashas Journey

I was one who rescued dogs from local shelters helping one shelter weekly in finding homes for dogs. One dog out five more in. A never ending battle in city shelters. I received a phone call from that animal shelter that yet another dog came in. I drove the 45 minute trip as I did weekly. I remember walking in as it was a normal tour of the weekly dogs that were found and I saw her. Sasha a four year old emaciated pitbull mix. The ACO said she's to far gone. I said can I try? I asked him over and over. Let me take her home if it doesn't work ill bring her back. He agreed. A dog that was once in Pennsylvania, given away at a year old, somehow made her way to Connecticut used as a breeding machine, neglected and abused. That was 8 years ago.
I ended up not finding a home for Sasha because in my heart I felt that she was for me. Sasha was my rock, my world, the light of my darkest days that were yet to come. She lifted me up through my weight loss journey, the depression journey I faced, and the sudden loss of my mother. Sasha went on the journey to local animal shelters to help place other dogs in need of homes. She spent countless hours in my car, miles and miles of walking, laid with me as I cried during the grief of my mom. Sasha never left my side. The last few years were a health battle for her ending her final days in kidney failure. I'll never to this day understand why Sasha was neglected the way she was when I first met her. This is something that I probably will never have the answers to. I know in my heart that I gave Sasha the best life and she gave me her all. No matter what or how she was feeling her life wasn't about pleasing her, it was about pleasing me.
