Shadow formerly Bryson

We believe in second chances for people as well as pets. We have had 3 rescued dogs in the past. Sheba, a German Shepherd/Collie who lived 16 years; Abbie, a Sheltie/Chow who lived about 15 years; and our beloved Gandoff. We Rottweiler/Lab lived 9 ½ years, the vet gave him Rimadyl. After the loss of our beloved “Gandoff” we were sure we wouldn’t be ready to take in another dog. We have had 3 rescued dogs and we know they need work, however we have never regretted it. Well, I had finished watching Cesar Millan and a comment made just did not sound right. “Black or dark dogs and cats are the last to be adopted.” I looked this up on the internet. Not only did I find this to be correct, I proceeded to look at some adoption sites and sure enough it is a fact. Well I saw two dogs when I showed up at our nearest shelter, Pawmetto Lifeline. The first dog was very high-strung. The second dog I was told may need some work. “Shadow formerly Bryson” was a 62-pound black (Sable German Shepherd with a white spot on his chest). He was underweight and had an embedded collar that had left very bad scars around his neck. We have picked out our dogs by behavior and when the dogs in the next room started to bark, he went to the door and just stared. I told him its okay, and he laid down at my feet and played. Well at his last checkup he weighed 76 lbs. in less than 3 weeks. His neck is healed and he is home. Open your home and you may need a little patience, but it’s worth it. The staff at Pawmetto Lifeline work very hard to save these animals and sometimes their work is not noticed.
