She is my Angel

The Elementary School where I work wanted to see about security having a dog, not a big scary dog, a sweet friendly one so Idecided to look around. I found a breeder who was selling off some of his older dogs so I went to have a look. It's true that the animal picks you! We hit it off right away, she was the best $150 I ever spent (followed by several hundered more since this was my first dog) once she was checked out by the vet had all her shots, was groomed and ready to go to school I got permission.
The kids and teachers love her, she's quiet, social and followed me around the school. It only took 1 staff member to stop her from coming to school, shame the principal wouldn't stand up to the bully, now 400 kids and 40+ staff members don't get to see her come to school once a week.
The great thing is my massage therapy clients get a double dose of therapy when they come to Studio 1501, not only do they get a wonderful massage they get to see and play with Angel if they want and I have yet to have a client not want to pet her and talk to her. She's my little assistant, when I go in for a session she follows me in, doesn't make a sound and goes to her pillow. When the session is over most had no idea she was ever in the room :-) She is such a good girl and I'm so glad she chose me!

DJ Bowers
Louisville, KY