She Knew Where Home Was

My friend and I were on our daily six mile walk when this black dog started following us. Since we know everyone in our neighborhood, we didn't know where she came from. We kept telling her to go home. But she kept following us, as if she was home and she was our pal. At the end of the walk, we put the dog into my friend's back yard so the dog wouldn't get hurt. The dog was so skinny, she got through the rails of the fence to come back to us.

Three different families thought they wanted her, but each time they gave her back to me. And each time the dog would leap into my arms. And each time I loved her more and more. Finally, when the third family gave her back to me, I think my lip started quivering. My husband looked at me and the dog and in my arms and said, "Let's name her Maisy and go get her a collar." That was four years and 15 pounds ago and we still take our daily walk together.

Heather and Maisy Moo
San Diego, CA