She rescued me back

Tayah came into our hearts by accident, we weren't even thinking of having a dog yet. A friend of our's was driving home from work one night and saw a Jeep pull over and toss her out-she watched as the driver took off and left the dog running behind them. She pulled over and took her to my mother-in-laws home. My husband and I were visiting one day and they hadn't yet found a home for her. She stole my heart at first lick! How could anyone not love that face? Even though she destroyed our only couch the first week we had her, we didn't give up on her. Now we have fun going on walks, going to see Mom-mom and Pop-pop at the beach - riding in the golf cart, riding on the boat and swimming. Tayah loves kids, especially the ones who feed her cookies! Her name means "precious", and that is exactly what she is to me-my furry child. She makes me laugh everyday and I'm still not sure who rescued who.

Wilmington, DE