She saved me

Our daughter, Meghan, was volunteering at a local animal shelter where she found Haley. Haley had been abused, hit by a car and dropped at a kill shelter. She got shipped up to New England so she wouldn’t be euthanized.

Meghan called me and said Mom you have to save her! She had been adopted and returned, no one wanted her. My hubby and I met Haley and she ran to him and rolled over for a belly scratch. They told us not to pick her up due to her injuries but we did anyway. We brought her home and named her Bailey.

After getting her anxiety under control she relaxed and it became home. Bailey is now my emotional support dog and goes with us everywhere. Long walks by the ocean helped get her weight down too. I truly believe she was sent by God to help me through some rough events in my life. Bailey is enjoying our retirement as much as we are!

Doreen Regan
., AL