Sierra and Dakota - I couldn't be without them

10 years ago, my family and I decided to take in two rescue pups. We got Dakota, at 8 weeks old from a rescue. Then 3 months later, we got Sierra when she was only 10 days old. Both pups were in dire circumstances needed lots of love and encouragement. 3 yrs after adopting the pups, I lost my family.
The only family I had left were Sierra and Dakota. They traveled the US with me as I tried to find us a home. Through all of my travails and travels, I knew could not bear to lose these two pups. No matter what, the two pups remained steadfast and loving. I made sure my "babies" were always with me, in a safe place and taken care of. If not for them, my life would have become a very desolate place because when I lost my family, I also lost myself. But the 2 pups wouldn't give up on me! Soon I realized, if for no other reason than for them, I had to get my life in order! So I got it together so that we could have a good life together. They saved my very life! Once, sleeping at a rest stop, a man tried to break into my car, until he saw THEM (run chicken little run!) Then, in our new home, I was attacked by a man trying to break in (knife in hand). He didn't see the "pups" until they were almost on top of him. Man, he could run fast! In the end, the pups were literally the real reason I found myself; what they gave me that truly saved my life was their love. This remains true even now. I thank God for them every day. I truly do.

Lincoln, NE