Simba,Dexter and Fudge

We were walking past a pet shop in England and there was a meow so loud that we had to see what was happening to the cat who was being so loud. I saw this beautiful ginger and white kitten and I asked the shop owner why was it so upset.

We were told that its brothers and sisters had been sold and he was the last one left. I felt so sorry for him I decided to buy him. We never intended to look for another cat but thought he needed us.

We got him home and he settled in well. He is now 10 yrs old and he is such a loving gentle cat who loves a fuss.

We have another ginger cat Dexter who I rescued on Facebook after I heard some louts tied fireworks to him. We took him in from a rescue on Facebook. He also has turned into a lovely trusting cat after he was so aggressive at first that we couldnt stroke him. In time, it took 2 years, he trusted us.

He was terrible and vicious to other animals so I got a cage so he could learn to be less aggressive. He is now roughly 11 yrs old, as I never knew when he was born. We have had him 6 years, and he is now the most loving cat.

Fudge is another cat who is ginger and white and fluffy who is very shy and timid but very loving. He is 14 yrs old now. We had him from a kitten from a pet shop. Mostly I have taken in cats, but sometimes it happened from a shop to help get them a home as this was a rescue, as well.

All of the animals we have had now and before I have remembered them fondly for different reasons and different personalities and written down.

Marguerite White
Dagenham, United Kingdom