
Our household was blessed with 2 fine cats, Sterling and Guinevere. Sad to say Sterling passed away.
I checked the shelter website looking for a friend for Guinevere. Once at the facility, I learned all of the cats I picked were sick with an upper respiratory illness. Not that I would mind, I know they can recover, but I didn't want to put Guinevere's health at risk. I went to the "well" room, chose a small 2 year old black beauty to visit with. I fell in love! Once he was neutered he joined our family.
Two days after he was home he started showing symptoms of the upper respiratory illness. Sure enough, he was sick, and with giardia too. Poor Simba had to be put in quarantine for 3 WEEKS. He was so sick and I felt so bad for him. With all of the medication I had to give him I thought he was going to hate me forever. I was so wrong. It's now been 5 months and he's a healthy happy teenager that follows my every step! He loves us so, even Guinevere!

Dee Morrison
Littleton, CO