"Sir Winston" The House Cat

This is our cat "Sir Winston". Now I say that because he came from the shelter. We wanted a cat that would be playful and not hide. We hoped that he or she would want to just be friends. Well after two trips to the shelter still no cat, "the third time is a charm" as they say! He was in his cage in the isolation room; he was new just a few days at the shelter.
My wife walked by the cage (a little too close) and out came this fury paw that latched on to her coat and as they say, "it was all over"! They let her hold him. Well I believe in my heart, he spoke to her and said, "that's right I'm the one you are looking for!". He turned on the motor, rested his head on her shoulder and worked those eyes. It was pitiful to say the least! He came home with us! He looked around for an hour, then I swear he said "nice digs!" and that, as they say, is "the rest of the story". This is now his home and we do what he wants. We don't know how or when, but it happened. Sir Winston is a great mouser. He plays with them and until they touch his food bowl, then all bets are off! It has been really bad on the rodent population. We have an internet business and he is, what you would call, the Boss and Mascot so he is the "big cheese" to everyone else. You know we love him and God has seen fit to give us a really great cat. PS. For God's sake don't tell him that (he gets a real fat head)!

Doris Canova
Jarrettsville, MD