Six orange kitties!

Mama Kitty came to me in November already expecting a litter. I rescued her from an apartment complex where she'd been abandoned. Pregnant, starving, and dirty, I brought her home to feed and love, and she gifted me with five beautiful "creamsickle" kittens - orange tabbies with white feet and tummies, four boys and a girl. I watched every one of them be born, and Mama allowed me to touch her kittens from that first moment of birth. And after five months, I've finally found the perfect home for the last kitten. She's going to live with my Mom, who taught me how to love cats.

It's been worth it. These are the most affectionate kitties I've ever known. They all love to cuddle, give nose-kisses, and bathe their "owners." There's nothing like being awakened by a rough little tongue washing your face! And Mama, renamed Mabel, has filled out, is healthy and clean, and spayed. She will never have to worry about her babies again.

Bridgid Kinney
Columbus, OH