Slipper Tracks Down Noname

Slipper wandered up to our door, a starved, under a year old Black and Tan Coon Hound. We took him in, and he wound up saving our ancient Lhaso Apso's life.

Noname, the Lhaso, was blind and deaf. He managed to get out of the fenced yard and wandered off. We live in deep country. We searched and searched and couldn't find him. Then my husband took Slipper out. He found Noname, wedged between the branches of a fallen tree by the creek, too far away for us to hear him if he barked. Slipper is our hero, and Noname's hero as well.

Slipper was featured as an ANIMAL HERO on The Animal Rescue Site in February 2009.

Nancy Grigsby
Franklin, KY