Smokey the Cat

Almost eleven years ago three of us were walking home from a neighborhood bar down the middle of a one-way street, at 2 am, I was behind the other two by a few steps and I heard a meowing from behind. There was this grey tabby kitten a month old maybe, trying to catch up. I stopped and picked him up and he started nibbling on my earlobe. Took him to Arizona from Michigan with my fiance, where we lived in an apartment with a large balcony for eight years. There was a semi-feral molly, who kept having litters on the balcony. We gave away as many as we could but eventually ended up keeping 6 of the kittens from different litters as time went on. Just before moving back to Michigan I was able to capture the molly and other stray cats and get them spayed or neutered as a goodbye to them. Just before we left someone dropped two calico female kittens at our doorstep, couldn't say no and brought them with us too. Smokey my grey gateway cat who helped nurture the balcony kittens was inspirational, in saving these lives and preventing other unwanted births.

Edgar Poe