
Sophie is from Texas. Her owner was taken to jail and Sophie was left behind in the house. No one could catch her, and the sheriff was going to shoot her since she was aggressive. Another sheriff intervened and they took her to a shelter. She then went to a rehab facility for quite a while and then to another shelter where she stayed for years.

Because she’s part pit bull no one adopted her. When she was first captured, we believe she was a couple years old. When we saw her profile, she was 9 and had never spent any of those years in another home. Even though we live in Washington state, we decided to take a chance, without meeting her, so they sent her up on the transport van with other dogs.

We got her two weeks before the pandemic hit and she’s still with us today! Very set in her ways but a wonderful addition to our family. We spoil her every chance we get and love her to pieces ❤️
