Spinner the Angel Dog

We were getting ready to retire, so we decided it was time to add another member to our family. Being animal advocates, we knew that a rescued dog would be the way we would try to go. After several failed attempts we finally found a foster home with a one year old Yorkie for adoption. He lost his family due to a divorce and needed a new home as soon as possible. At the foster home, he promptly jumped in my lap, and we new instantly that this was the one! "Spinner", as he came to be called, joined our family that very day.
The week after my husband retired, he was diagnosed with terminal cancer and given just 6 months to live. That is when "Spinner" became the "Angel Dog". He was my husband's constant companion, and bedside comforter. The day my husband died - Spinner never left the foot of his bed.
After my husband passed away, my son who had been in a motorcycle accident came to live with us until he healed. Again, Spinner became the constant companion and source of comfort. After a year of surgeries, my son was once again up on both feet. That's when Spinner and I decided to get married again and join our new "Dad" - traveling the country in our RV. Spinner had earned some "R and R".
In the last 6 years, Spinner has visited nearly every state in the lower 48 and always enjoys meeting new friends!
Spinner earned his name because he constantly "spins". He spins for a treat, to go out side, when he wants you to pay attention and in general he spins when he is happy! He is one spinning pup and the joy of our lives!

Maggi Harris
Dixon Springs, TN