Story About Tasha Amber

Here is my baby girl Tasha Amber. She was owned by Rachael for 5 years. She was a Service Dog to Rachael as she has mild Cerebral Palsy as a disability and is not deaf. She came from Dogs For the Deaf (DFD) to Rachael in July 25, 2003. DFD works with people with disabilities and Tasha was ready and eagerly awaiting to go to a new owner. Tasha was the perfect match for Rachael. Rachael also has depression and anxiety and helped her around the house alot and she went with her to public places when needed. She stayed by Rachael's side all the time until she was needed for something. She was 5 years old and her birthday is December 15th, 2002. She is a flat coated black Retriever & part Aussie mix.

Way to go Tasha!!! Momma wishes you all the best in life and a whole lot more. Mommy is also very proud of her little girl and all she did for mommy. Tasha is now retired and living a regular normal 'doggie life' on a ranch somewhere in Oregon. Rachael cannot see or hear about Tasha anymore as she is with new owners. (DFD Laws & Regulations.)

I miss you sooo very much my sweet baby girl. My heart is just breaking inside and I love and care and miss you a great deal! I loved you with all my heart & soul. It really is killing me inside to know that I can NEVER get you back in my life. If there was a way that I could get you back, you know I certainly would!

Many hugs to you sweetie!



Medford, OR