Sugar Ray-Because he fought his way back!!

There was a knock on the door; it was my neighbor’s son. He had a box with a tiny kitten he found in the storm ditch across from their house. “Take it to Miss Loren…she’ll help that baby”

Eyes barely open, and a gravely injured front leg-so bad maggots had set in.

Called my vet, he met me at his office. The leg would have to be removed. Doc warned me it was risky due to how weak and young the kitty was, he might not survive the surgery and his after care. Through it all I prayed…bottle fed him every 4 hours for weeks.

They only charged me for the anesthesia…I love my veterinarian.

I named him Sugar Ray, after the fighter. With my care, snuggles and naps in my Dad’s lap and Ruby (a 1 year old rescue I had found near my home) deciding he was her kitten…he thrived!!!

He is almost 2 now and never knew he lost a leg. He did have a bout with PTSD, would cry to me when a storm was approaching like he was a barometer…and he would hide during storms. But he has become more social and plays with my new Russian Gray twins.(also rescues) In fact, those kittens have helped him loosen up and relax. He is quite a clown at times. He has brought a lot of joy to me. He is my champion!!!

Loren McKenzie Suits