Sweet Baby Zaine

Six years ago around midnight, I was in bed and heard boys on the street laughing and then their car stopped and they really laughed. (I live in the country and it is pitch black out) I thought nothing about it until around 3 pm. I was going out to feed horses and saw something run across the patio. How he survived the night is a blessing.

I cornered him and found a very small kitten. These boys had thrown him out into my lower pasture and he had found his way up to my house. His tail tip had been burnt and eventually fell off, he had scratches across nose and when they tossed him, it damaged his right side. His front leg was bent and he was dragging it and his back leg went out when he walked.

Took him to the vet and he was about 4 1/2 weeks old. We tried saving his front leg to no avail, and when he was neutered, we had to take his front leg to shoulder. I had just put down a horse and friends said that God sent this sweet kitten to me.

I looked up gift from God and that is how he got his name: Zaine. I call him Sweet Baby Zaine. He is wonderful.

Linda Grimoldi