Sweet Miss Molly

We rescued Miss Molly from a shelter and had her love and loyalty for 12 years until she no longer had a good quality of life. We made the heartbreaking decision to have her euthanized. I held her and loved her right up until the very end.

There was a lot going on in our family and the thought of replacing Miss Molly was just too much. About two months into the emptiness of her absence, I went to our local animal control group having seen a beautiful 38-pound "full grown" blue-nose pit bull. I was seated in a meet and greet room. In came Miss Libby.

She climbed up on the bench next to me and put her head on my shoulder. That was it, I was adopted.

Seven years later, I can't begin to tell you about her love and loyalty. She didn't replace our beautiful terrier-mix mutt, Miss Molly, but she did fill the emptiness and helped to heal the loss. I wouldn't trade Libby for all the tea in China.

Yes, I know, "pit bulls are dangerous" - all animals are dangerous, simply because they are animals. I respect her because of her breed, and I protect her from all those that spew their hatred and ignorance. Love you Libby, thank you for accepting me into your world!

Ellen Brennan