
I was missing my soul mate kitty very deeply. A cousin had come to visit. She left to go home, and the cutest little dog took advantage of her keeping the door open a few seconds too long. It walked into my house, sat in the middle of the living room, and looked up at me as if saying, "My damn house what are you going to do about it?"

Well, I found out where her former home was, discovered the couple was splitting up, and there was domestic violence involved. I offered to longterm foster the pup until they sorted their lives. Thankfully they moved off never asking for my little queen back. As she lived here, I came to realized the poor pup had been both neglected and abused in her life. Never again. The pup will live out her life totally spoiled.

I have equally heart touching stories as to how the other three fur brats came into my life, but bottom line is they all have a safe loving home until either they or I leave this realm. Should my exit come before theirs, I have it in my will what happens to them after my death. We are a true pack and take care of each other best we can.
