Tango earned his name

I was looking for a little orange kitten. They showed me an orange and white cat they said was about 8 months old. I put my fingers in the cage to give him a scratch. Instead he dropped down and started playing with my fingers. He did this little dance, ergo: Tango. When I walked away to the end of the row of cages I heard a horrible yowl. I asked the attendant what the noise was.

"It's that cat you walked away from". I was stunned but she was right. I went back and this cat was full of antics. Trying to play with my fingers and talking. Lol. He was a sweetheart. Needless to say I adopted him.

Tango is now 16 years old and the alpha of my fur babies. When Bo (puppy) first joined the family he and Tango set across from each other. I watched from a doorway. Bo had never even seen a cat. Tango had definitely seen dogs. I just said "Be nice Tango, he's just a baby". Tango sat there for a minute just looking at Bo.

Bo weighed about 5 pounds and Tango weighed 16 pounds. After about a minute Tango leaned over and licked Bo on the nose. It was the most adorable thing I have ever seen. Bo is a little rambunctious for Tango but they get along quite well. Tango is a very patient kitty.

Mary C Walker