The Adventures of Cottontail

My husband had promised me that I could adopt a pet cat once we'd settled into our new flat. The wait was agonizing, but a few weeks later we drove down to the local Animal Anti-Cruelty League... They showed us all the cute little kittens first and our hearts melted, but we went on to see the adult cats. Listening to their background stories - I wanted to take them all home. Lastly we came to Melody's cage; apparently no one had wanted her because of her fluffy coat (they were concerned about allergies and shedding? As if short-haired cats don't shed). She'd been found wandering the streets, she was pregnant and her owners could not be located. Her pregnancy was aborted and she was later sterilized. The poor girl had been in that cage at the AACL for 6 months! I took one look at those big golden eyes and fluffy bunny-like paws and fell instantly in love.
We renamed her 'Cottontail' and took her into our home and our hearts. At first she was a little unsure of her new surroundings and would follow us like a shadow around the apartment. But after time and lots of love, she has become fully confident and now rules the roost. She has such character! No longer the timid little creature we first saw - her lovable and quirky personality has come to the fore; as playful as any kitten (probably making up for lost time). I can sincerely say we have enriched and brightened each other's lives.

Trish Storbeck
Cape Town, South Africa