The Air Force Kitty

I worked on a military base for many years. About five years ago, a Staff Sergeant I knew who worked at the Base Commander's office called me and asked if I wanted a kitten.

I have a hobby farm and we have indoor and outdoor cats, so I said sure. It was then the Sergeant explained that a mama cat had birthed a litter in the bushes just outside the Commander's office building. The base had a contractor who controlled the animal population on base and had already trapped and killed the mama cat and he was going to return to trap the kittens.

The Commander's office staff was horrified and as soon as they were able, caught all the kittens and began to find them forever homes. So that afternoon, my friend came to my office with a little furball of fluff that was maybe 5 or 6 weeks old and wild!

The kitten hid under my car seat for the ride home. My son and I found a kennel for Belle. (named after the town of Bellevue where the base is located) The hissing, spitting, and howls were loud and strong, but we remained firm the first few days to her staying in the kennel and taking food from our hands.

Slowly, Belle came around. We gave her run of a single room and then finally the whole house. We kept hand-feeding her to build her attachment to us.

Belle has turned into an incredible mouser. She rules my son and comes running through the house when he comes home. We call her our sassy girl with her silky long hair, and every now and then, she will get made at our dogs or other cat and give a big old hiss and spit.

Pat Nekuda