The cat that used all of his 9 lives

Tripod came to me as stray ball of orange fur when he was about 4 months old; just started hanging out on my patio. I left food out for him but didn't encourage him to join the family. Then one night my dog Bandit found him under the porch seriously injured from crawling up in a neighbor's car engine and going thru the fan when it was started.

Nine days in kitty intensive care and three surgeries later; including one that removed his left leg and half his hip; he became a full member of the household and spent the next 12 years enjoying his life as if he still had all four legs like his buddies. He ran as fast as any other cat and even liked to dog paddle around the pool occasionally. The only problem he had was being unable to find out how to get up on the kitchen counter and get over a six foot tall fence....just not enough spring in that one remaining rear leg!

Even though he only got 13 years of life, it was 12-1/2 more than the vets originally thought he would have since; as they put it; he used up 8 of his 9 lives in the accident. He was an inspiration to everyone that come to know him because he showed us all that no matter what goes on and you cope best you can.

Enjoy your time running with your buddies Bandit & Waldo at the Rainbow Bridge, and I'll join you all myself someday.

Ken Dayton
Pensacola, FL