The cats who came to dinner

One evening about 15 years ago, as our son was in the kitchen of his Brooklyn apartment, a cat came in the door, obviously expecting a welcome, which he received. Soon named Kook, he maintained a good relationship with his new guy. About a year later, another cat, much abused and injured, was in the yard, and my son picked him up, took him to a vet, and nursed him back to health. He became Zeke, the Beta cat.

They were settled to live happily ever after, but after a while, 9/11 happened, and it wasn't long before our son lost first his job, and then his apartment, and was offered a room with a friend who was allergic to cats. So we drove to Brooklyn to collect the two cats, and brought them to make their home with us. Kook took a while to acclimate to country life, but enjoyed going outside to sit under a bush and smell the flowers, and Zeke liked to stay in and keep our home clear of small rodents.

One of Kook's favorite places was the middle of our king-sized four poster bed. We tried to discourage him by keeping our bedroom door closed, but he soon discovered that from the balcony over one end of the room, he could 'fly' right there. He sailed over just about as soon as I'd snapped this picture.

They kept us entertained and we kept them fed until each died, about 4 years ago now. We still miss them!

Margaret Webber
Sharon, CT