The Cutest Dog I Ever Saw

I lost my last dog, Jacob to cancer in Sept. 2007. I tried doggie sitting keep me occupied, but it just wasn't the same. I really missed having a dog, so I started searching the Animal Shelters for a hypoallergenic Bichon or a Shitzu. Even though I loved my previous dog, his fur had been an issue with my asthma. I never dreamed I could find a Bichon or a Shitzu at a shelter, but low and behold, a friend told me about a shelter she always gets her dogs at and there he was...a cute little Bichon. I went in that same day and couldn't believe he had been there for 6 weeks. He was matted and yellowed, but still had the cutest little face I've ever seen. He has an underbite, which makes him even more adorable. When I picked him up, he immediately put his little head in the crick of my neck, like he was hugging me and I knew I couldn't leave without him. Brio has since been cleaned up and made his home on my lap most evenings. He's the sweetest, cutest, cuddliest little dog I've ever had. He still loves to give me hugs too.

He really loves people and knows when they're hurting. I have a friend that possibly has cancer and he always snuggles up to her to make her feel special.

Arvada, CO