The Day My Kitty Adopted Me...

It was 1:15pm on Thanksgiving Day 2008, in Grand Saline, Texas. I was looking for a place to eat. Stopped at the Sonic, but they weren't opening until 2:00pm. The local Brookshire's was my next stop, but their Deli Counter was closed. Drove 10 miles west to the nearest Dairy Queen, and they were closed, too.

I had given up, deciding just to go back home to Winnsboro, driving back through Grand Saline. Then I noticed the Sonic was now open, so I pulled in. Got out of the car, and ordered from the patio (something I never do). As I received my food, I heard this sweet meowing from under the table.

A small orange tabby kitten was sitting up on her haunches, begging me to feed her. Needless to say, my heart melted on the spot. I shared my chicken nuggets with her, and asked the carhop about the kitten. She said it was a stray that was always hanging around, and that I could take the kitty. I picked the kitten up and put her in my car. She curled up in the back seat and slept through the 40-mile trip home. Since it was Thanksgiving, I named her Cranberry.

I estimated Cranberry's age to be four or five months, as she weighed only four pounds. Otherwise, she appeared to to be a healthy kitten. But, a trip to the vet revealed that Cranberry had already reached her first birthday!

It's now April 2009. Cranberry's weight has increased to eight pounds, but she still looks like a kitten. She's happy, healthy, and very playful.

It was the best Thanksgiving ever!

Tony Williams
WInnsboro, TX