the keeper of my heart

My soulmate,and keeper of my heart came to me when my son had cancer.I was alone in my fear and terror.i prayed that i needed strength,and a soulmate to cry with and rely on.I kept my bike in the garden and under this i found my moley.A dirty wet thin pitiful ball of fur.quite an elderly tabby boy by the looks.It took me 2 days to get him indoors.If i picked him up he screamed.trip to the vets proved his 5yrs of age,and months of neglect.He slept with me the first night at the foot of the bed,by night 3 he was in my arms,as I slept on my side.
His coat improved,but he had one lasting trait,he hated to be alone.Where I went so did he.where i sat so did he,when i slept so did he.
If i became upset,like a flash he was on my knee.. eyes gazing deeply into mine,a deep purrring.i wept buckets into that body of his,he was always there for me.
He would go for walks,and bring strays back with him,male or female,if the need was there he would bring them to me... I still have one of his finds......
My soul mate broke my heart two years ago,when the angels took him back........ But yet he is still here with me..... my soulmate,keper of my heart love of my life..........................

caryl thatcher
spalding, United Kingdom