The Last Stop

Brady came to me as an "unadoptable" cocker spaniel named Bruno. I thought maybe his anxiety-based agression came from being misnamed; Bruno sure doesn't fit a cocker! So I gave him a new, similar-sounding name, which happens to be my mom's maiden name. He had been surrendered by his original dysfunctional family, where the teenage boys had been known to actually strike their own mother, when he bit one of them. He bit several people in his succession of foster homes, and he bit me, too, until I understood his possessiveness with food issues. That was before I learned what he needed.

We now share a special bond of respect and understanding, and he's turned out to be a joyful, intelligent little friend with so much love to give! He loves to cuddle, sitting like a baby on my lap, or with his paws around my neck. My dog of 14 years, Charlotte, died in Nov. 2008. I thought I'd never recover from losing my best friend, walking/hiking partner, and confidante Now, Brady has filled my life with sunshine and has me out walking even faster than before!

Patty Stroble
Sunbury, PA