The Mighty Fen!

We had just lost our Trouble, one year to the day that our beloved Skimbee had passed away. Trouble was Skim's grandkitty. Heartbroken, we looked online at a local animal shelter - not the one where I volunteer, but another that utilizes euthanasia for unadopted pets. And there she was, the image of Skimbee, but tiny (he and his grandkittys all went 28 pounds or so), with her freckle on the other side of her nose. But the same huge green eyes and grey mask on a white face. She'd been on the street for some time, in what was one of the coldest, snowiest winters in the town where she was found.
When we saw her for the first time, it was love at first sight. She wrapped herself around my husband's arm and there was no turning back. Today, she has been with us for a year, and totally rules our household. Even has her own place at the table (as did Skim and Trouble). Her name is Fennore, which means ghostly spirit in Gaelic. So often we see a passing moment or feeling of Skim or Trouble in those expressive celadon eyes. When she's "zippy" as she often is, we think of her as our Tiny Mighty Fen!

Kathryn & Burke
Ridgway, CO