The Miracle of Molly the Welshie

Molly's life began as a breeding dog at an Amish puppymill in Ohio. Along with countless other dogs, this sweet Welsh Terrier was kept in a wire cage hung from the barn ceiling and became part of the horror of the puppy machine. Luckily, an angel was able to get her out before she was either shot or drowned. Little Molly weighed only 11 lbs, all skin and bones, and the day before her scheduled spay, she gave birth to 3 Welsh puppies, one of which died. They didn't even know she was pregnant!

My mother and I drove to Ohio planning on taking one of the pups. But when my mother saw poor little Molly she knew that this might be the only chance for the little Welshie. When we arrived home and set Molly on the kitchen floor, she just stood there, not knowing what to do. She didn't know what a toy was and couldn't get enough to eat. The only thing Molly DID seem to know was how to love.

Life for Molly is completely different now. She rides herd over her Airedale and Westie brothers, loves her squeaky toys, and even played enough ball that she can't be bothered with the dumb thing any more! And at night, she falls asleep in my arms and we both are grateful for the love we share.

The moral of this story is pretty obvious: PLEASE do not buy a puppy from a pet store or at a flea market. Make Adoption your first Option. And please help your local animal rescue with your dollars, your time or your heart. Knowing you've given a homeless animal a second chance at life has rewards beyond words.

Patricia Kowal
Arnold, PA