The Misfit Ranch

I can't supply pictures for the whole gang as we have at the house, 17 rescused (abused or dropped off) dogs, about 15 cats of the same nature, a throughbreed that was destined for dog food, and a palimino gelding that was starving for food. Their names are as follows, dogs first-Minny Mouse, Buddy, Snoopy, Bailey, Samantha, Oscar the Grouch, Little Girl, Daisy Mae and Lil Abner(brother and sister), Pooh Bear, Hodinie, Sweet Thing, Sassy and Zeke (Brother and Sister), Patches, Goldie, Honey. Our little dog Boot Scoot that I rescued from a house fire had to be put down this year for old age. We lost Nubbie last year to a heart condition. The horses are as follows: Jake is the registered throughbreed, and Shilo is the palimino. We lost our 45 year old Welsh pony to a heart attack 2 weeks before Boots was put down. They are buried together on the property. They have a few partners that we purchased A line back dunn mare we call Fieonna Bell and a donkey called MR. Donkey. There are too many cats to name, but they are bieng spayed and nutered as we speak. We also get various other critters that show up and if they are hungry, they get fed too. I am currently working In Iraq to make sure we can take care of all our little angels, so the won't go hungry. I miss them but we, my good wife and I, know that I have to do this to survive. As long as I am able they will have a good home.
John Willi
United States Army Retired
Lexington, Oklahoma

John Willi
Lexington, OK