They Spiced up Our Lives

My husband and I were sitting on our patio when a small orange streak went by between our feet. We realized it was a kitten. I had been hearing what I thought was a kitten for a few days. Finally two orange striped males and a calico female emerged. They were all alone and very frightened. They stayed under our backyard shed and peeled out at us. We got food and water and put it out for them. They wouldn’t let us get near them but would come get the food and water. First the little ringleader ate; when he was done the next male and then last the little female. They never varied. It took quite awhile but the first one finally started coming to us. We were able to get the two males and have them neutered and their shots. The little female disappeared and we never saw her again. Now they both live in the house and keep us entertained all the time! We named them Cinnamon and Ginger because they have added spice to our lives. We are senior citizens.

Shirlee Oliver