Thief in the Night

A Boston Terrier and Beagle mix.
I call her Bandit because she is a thief.
For she stole my heart...
Found as a puppy, abandoned and abused, dying from malnutrition and worms.
I didn't know if she would make it or not.
Many tears were shed and many prayers answered for her.
I felt a bond with this dog the very minute I saw her.
I had been abused in a past relationship, so I knew what she had been through.
I wanted to give her the same love and care that had been given to me.
Bandit has been with me now for 2 years.
Each and every day she reminds me that God is still there.
She is a very special dog and I am thankful she came my way.
She gives me so much love. More than I will ever deserve, but I know within her, lives an angel.

Laura Franklin
Spruce Pine, NC