Thrown out of a car and into my life

I am a foster home for a rescue group and I heard that they were getting a German Shepard male. I had been wanting to adopt a German Shepard that needed help with training and manners because I LOVE dog training classes. He was handsome but a handful! He didn’t even know "sit." His previous owners threw him out of a moving vehicle on a 2 lane highway. Luckily a Good Samaritan saw what happened and stopped to get him into their car and he was taken to a shelter. He did not do well in the shelter setting, and was starting to become aggressive with staff. I have a small female Pomeranian/Chihuahua and when he met her, he was so gentle, he never tried to be rough with her. He is such a good boy, but it has taken time and knowledge to guide him to be the well-behaved, calm dog that he is today. He is still cautious around strangers but he is slowly learning to trust. I do not let strangers approach him and he is good with that. I am so happy to have this big goofball in my life to go on adventures with ❤️❤️.

Susan B.