
I was driving in town at night. In my headlights, behind the car in front, I saw what looked like a brown paper bag tumbling over and over, but there was no wind. I quickly realized that it was a young ginger cat struck by previous car. I leapt out of my car, engine still running and lights on, to find him.

He had managed to pull himself along by his front paws - his back ones useless - under part of a bush by the side of the road. I scooped him up carefully, put him in the car, and took him to my local RSPCA centre. They said he had broken his hips, and if any of the nerves had been damaged, meaning he couldn’t walk, they would have to put him down.

I waited anxiously for news. He wasn’t chipped, so I said I would pay whatever it took to help him. Fortunately, there was no nerve damage, and I was able to take him home to recover - to the surprise of my other cats.

I’d created a quiet secluded spot for him with food and water, but when I wasn’t looking, he managed to get himself downstairs and under the stairs. There he holed up for sometime, only emerging for food water or litter tray when no one was around. My other cats were curious but kept a respectful distance.

Then suddenly one day when I was sitting on the sofa, this ginger cat came along walking well and jumped on my knee. What a softy he was. He LOVED being stroked and was my shadow for 10 years. Such a sweet cat, hence the name Treacle. The other cats loved him, too.

I’m glad I was able to give him a happy life.

London, United Kingdom