Tucker's here to stay

I help do Bulldog rescue in Northern Nevada and Tucker was an owner surrender because of behavior issues, which we didn't see the month he was with us. My husband fell in love with him but we can't keep the dogs we foster, it would defeat our purpose so Tucker was adopted out. We were told he wasn't getting along with one of the dogs in his new home so we got him back, he was fine with our dogs. Once again my husband wanted to keep him so I said we would try one more home and if he came back he would stay. Well he came back and he's here to stay. It turns out Tucker has misplaced aggression and when he gets frightened or very excited he will bite whoever or whatever is within reach. He has learned the command crate, so when he gets scared or overly excited he is told to crate and this works fine. When he calms down he is allowed out of the crate. Many rescue's have problems or issues but with time, patience and understanding they can be dealt with. We love our Tucky.

Reno, NV