Two Hearts, one to large

My story does have a happy ending for me in ways that will carry me through. I got my fur baby Rocky from my Mom as he was the only boy and he would come to me. A bit strange, but some animals are like that. I had him to myself for two years and he had an enlarged heart. I knew he was in pain, but I gave him his medicine like I was told by the vet. He never showed the pain, just the Love that he had. He would play with me for hours! I can't do much as I am disabled, but he didn't care, he Loved me and I Loved him very much! One day he would not take his medicine and I knew it was time. I took him to the vet and they said that they could prolong his life by 6 months or put him to sleep. I wanted to keep him so very badly here, but I knew that it would only hurt him more, I had him put to sleep. My only request was that I be the last person on this earth that he saw when he passed away. They did as I asked.
A year to the day he passed and I hoped he was doing ok, I missed him so much! I heard a high pitched bark that only he made and no other dog was around and it made me smile and laugh. I knew he was watching me and that he was just fine and very happy with all of the other fur babies.

Lorrie Taylor