Two kids, Two rabbits and Fate...

Ollie lived in a cage outside with no human contact, and Oreo was an Easter gift whose novelty had worn off. Neither rabbits were cherished by its human family, and eventually they were surrendered to Delaware County SPCA. "Two of my three kids are in the 4-H rabbit program and after completing a very exciting research project on what breed of rabbit is their favorite, I believe fate stepped in that day." Her daughter, Brooke, wanted a Lop-Eared rabbit, and her son, Ryan who has autism, wanted a Dutch rabbit. "I went on after their presentation to fellow 4-H club members about their favorite breed," Christine says, "and there were Ollie and Oreo," one a Lop-Eared, the other a Dutch. The family adopted both. Prior to adopting both buns the family had talked about the commitment they would be making in welcoming rabbits into their home. This was not an impulsive adopt at all! While the rabbits were being neutered, the Jameisons learned even more about rabbits by reading and surfing the Internet, and Christine recommends or contacting a bunny rescue. "We were well prepared and now ready to welcome both Ollie and Oreo into our family." The family continued to educate themselves about rabbit care by attending a "Bunny Basics" two local shelters were offering. "It gave us some additional information that we did not know," Christine says, "and also confirmed that we were on the right track in giving our bunnies a great life." Today, Ryan helps out at the rescue and enjoys going to outreach events to spread the "Make Mine Chocolate Campaign" message to kids & parents, Christine is Vice-President/Foster Mom and her daughter, Brooke, is Junior Executive Member/Foster Mom for Luv-N-Bunns, a rabbit rescue group in the Delaware County, PA area.

Christine Jameison
Havertown, PA