Valentine's Day, Every Day

I adopted a dog 12.5 years ago and two cats 5.5 years ago. While I suffer from severe depression, anxiety, and PTSD they show me love every single day and in so many ways. In my darkest days all I have to do is look at them and am reminded of the most important reasons to stick around. It's not a cure for my issues, but they make my life worthwhile; from sleeping with me to walking my pup in extreme temperatures to scooping the kitty litter, I love every moment they're here and nothing will stop that. I call them my freelance therapy pets since they never went through formal training... they simply exist as natural soothers.

Last year was a tough one with losing my senior male cats two months apart, but the four years we had together were incredible and memories of them make me smile.

Every day with my furries is Valentine's Day because they don't think that love is supposed to be celebrated once a year and I feel the same way. I'd buy them chocolates and roses, but as we well know, chocolate is bad for them and the roses would be destroyed by the cats. lol They give me snuggles, love winks, tail wagging, and more each and every day.

My heart was rescued by them through their unique personalities and intuition when I'm having a rough time and even when I'm having a great day. Fur, purrs, and wags saved me, and I thank them every possible moment.

I don't have a photo of them all together, but here's my old lady who started it all in 2007.

Jules Ray