
13 years ago, my father rescued our wire-haired Jack Russell, Vicy (pronounced V.C.) from a shelter. We were told that she'd been abused the first two years of her life by the men in her former household, so she really wasn't too keen on other males. However, for some reason she took my dad instantly, and they were inseparable until his passing 5 years ago, at which time my sister, our husbands, and I took her into our care. We've watched her already-huge personality grow even more: from her love for pickles (yes, pickles), to her affinity for barking at random strangers, or the fact that she sports a pink mohawk (red food coloring + white fur), she's become a key member of the family. She splits time at both of our houses, which is how she's become known as our "timeshare dog." Now, at the ripe old age of 15, while she may have lost a step or two(she's a Jack, so that basically brought her down to a normal speed), she is bringing the same joy into our lives that she'd brought to my father for so long. While we miss my dad immensely, he could not have left us with a better memento to remember him by.

New York, NY