
We were soon to be moving into our first home in the spring of 2021. I had been feeding the neighborhood feral cats from our rental for a number of years. I had gained an unpleasant reputation from the other neighbors because of it. When I found out that there was a newborn litter of kittens under the house, I really began to panic. I could not leave them to an unknown and unhappy future.

I contacted a woman in town that trapped feral cats and released them after a spay or neuter. After a few agonizing days, we were able to trap Mama and gather the kittens for their new life. The woman agreed to foster them all and in time, the Mama would be brought back to me, while the kittens would be adopted out.

I named Mama Violet and did not want to release her as a feral in my new town. She became a part of my "colony" and she surprised me how well she fits in! Although we cannot pet her yet, she seems to be enjoying life indoors, playing with toys, eating whenever she likes, and socializing with the other cats.

I was quite nervous about taking in a feral cat, but this is one of the best decisions I have ever made! We love her dearly!

Lisa Murray