What is a puppy mill?

I was living in an awful place. It was small and dirty it was very noisy with lots of dogs barking all the time. It smelled really bad and I was always hungry. I only had wire to stand on and my feet hurt all the time! The only time anyone came to see me was to throw some food in a dirty pan and to take my babies from me! I don't know where my babies went and I'd cry for them. I was getting tired and older I was almost 8 yrs old when they came and took me they said I wasn't no good anymore! They took me to a place called a rescue. I dunno know what that meant but I was in a nicer cage and got good food in a clean dish with fresh water! I didn't have to stand on wire anymore but my feet still hurt. They promised they would find me a "forever home" they told me all about it and it sounded ok to me! One day a lady came to see me! She said she saw my picture on a computer. I don't know what that is but it must be good because she said she fell in love with me just seeing it anyway. The lady said she was going to adopt me! She said she was going to be my Mommy and she was going to give me a "forever home"! I was really excited the rescue place told me all about "forever homes." She also gave me a NAME; I never had a name before! She calls me Emily! She took me home with her and I was groomed for the first time; I had a pretty bow in my hair, it felt so good and I smelled so good too. My Mommy is the bestest ever; she bought a special bed just for ME! I go to the dogtor every year to make sure I'm healthy, she buys me pretty things to wear and the best food and treats, she takes me everywhere with her! She likes to take pictures of me; she said it helps other doggies like me because we need to tell people about puppy mills, and I love to dress up for her and have my picture taken! OH and Mommy celebrates what she calls my freedom and birthday July 5th! She bakes a cake for me and gives me presents. I never had presents before!! My Mommy brushes me and gives me kisses and says no one will ever hurt me again. At night I learned how to climb up the steps to this big bed; it's like sleeping on a cloud and Mommy gives me a kiss and rubs my tummy until I fall asleep! I still wonder where my babies are, and when I hear puppies crying I cry too because I miss mine. My Mommy holds me and tells me it's ok and that she'll love me forever .... I'm going to love her forever too!

Susan Thomas