White Cat Mends a Broken Heart

After my white cat Spook quietly passed away at 15, I thought my heart was going to break permanently. I had had him since I was 19, and we had basically grown up together. We wanted his life to mean something, so my husband and I decided to rescue an adult white cat from petfinder.com in his honor. Sure enough, within 30 days I found 'Butch' at the Harrison,AR Human Society. They wasted no time in helping me, they had him fixed by 6 am the next day, so I could pick him up and take him home. Butch is now named Furzy, and we can't imagine our lives without him. He has mended my heart, and he helps me to remember that Spook will always have a special place in my life as Furzy now does!

Jennifer Wobser
Springdale, AR