Will Someone Love Me?

In January, 2008, we lost our beloved dog, Spud, to cancer. We adopted Spud, a beautiful Jack Russell, from a shelter here in Maine called The Ark. We were heartbroken. Within a short time, I was looking for another dog because my spouse is disabled with a heart problem and I feared for him due to his overwhelming grief. I ultimately went back to the Ark which at the time, only had two choices of dogs. Henry was on a leash tied to a couch in their living room because everything scared him and they were trying to socialize him. He had been very abused since he was a puppy and every noise freaked him out. They were worried he might be aggressive as well. When he saw me walk in, he jumped off the couch and came over to me in a submissive pose like he knew I was *the one* and I definitely knew he was *the one*. It was love at first sight. My husband greeted him at the second visit and that was it...pure love. He has never been aggressive, finally got over being scared of everything and has no problem now with new people coming into our home. He is the sweetest, gentlest dog even more so then Spud and we're grateful to have him be a part of the family! I will always adopt shelter dogs. I have had such wonderful experiences with the unwanted dogs of the world who seem to all have a great heart:o)

Renee and Rick Serrano

Renee Serrano
Machias, ME