
In 2006, a friend was in PetSmart when a woman approached her with a box full of kittens. The kittens had been left by the curb for the garbage pick up. The garbage man couldn't throw them away, so he carried the box of kittens to the woman, who was out in her front yard. They were small, too young to be away from their mother, so the woman had taken them to PetSmart, not knowing what else to do.

PetSmart couldn't help. At that moment, the woman found my friend, who took the box home & began feeding the babies with a syringe. The kittens came to work with her every day. Fortunately, we worked for a big orange warehouse. Management was understanding of the kittens need to be fed on a regular basis.

A number of us would take turns bottle feeding the babies during our break time. Having experience with bottle feeding before, I brought William home when he was (vet guess) two weeks old.

Today he is a happy 16 year old & my best ever boy!

Kathie Ingram