Yoda Bear the Polar Bear

Yoda Bear found me in when I was working at the animal emergency clinic. He was brought in by animal control after someone turned on their truck engine unaware he was inside. They were willing to adopt him out but refused to fix him. Yoda weighed 1.5 pounds and was a filthy, flea covered, feral baby. He had been scaped and his face had several injuries. The doctor did not think he would make it through because he was so tiny. They tried to convince me he should just be put to sleep but I convinced them to let me foster him. I brought the tiny baby home with 2 drain tubes and numerous sutures. I did everything I could to help him recover. He loved to sit in my lap while I was reading. My mom and step dad would hold him and play with him while I was at work to help socialize him. Everyone fell in love with him and I couldn't give him up. Yoda Bear thrived and now he smiles every time I tell him the story of how the best kitty ever came into my life. (my mom named him Yoda because his ears don't stand all the way up because of the tissue he lost in the accident)

Laura Pomeroy
El Paso, TX